Thursday, October 8, 2015

Trader Joes: The Secret Animals!

I shop at Trader Joe's a couple times a week (no joke...I head there twice a week just for produce trips).  I love the store, plus it's close to my home.  I've become pretty skilled at taking 4 kids shopping with me, but still, it's always nice to have something to "do" at the store.  If the ever-changing decorations at Trader Joe's weren't enough to entertain the children, many locations hide little stuffed animals for the kids to find!

Our store has Billy the Goat, Rosemary the Bird, and Milly (I haven't seen her in a while; not sure what species she belongs to).  They move them often, so it's always fun to hunt.  

They're almost always up high, out of the kids' reach, so keep your eyes looking UP!  

Once you find your store's little animal, be sure to head to customer service and tell them you found "so and so" and where he/she was.  They give out lollipops or other little treats once you've located their friend.

My children LOVE looking for Billy each time we head into the store.  As of late, they've been particularly excited because both Billy and Rosemary have been out and about.  

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