Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June Goals

This "me not blogging very often" thing is becoming quite the bad habit.  Thankfully, Pinterest continues to bring in loads of traffic even when I'm not actively blogging :)

Apparently, I have a lot going on.  Apparently, being a homeschooling mom to 4 kids can take up a lot of time.  And apparently, I'm getting better at not worrying so much about "getting it all done."

My children have spent the last couple days at grandma and grandpa's house so they could go to their VBS.  This means Ben and I have had a couple of magical days alone.  My house is so wonderfully clean, and I've caught up on a ton of my work.

Here are some of my June goals:

1.  Read my Bible everyday and journal (that journaling thing has been lacking as of late)
2.  Pick a new book and read it (I just finished The Maze Runner, which was decent)
3.  Menu plan consistently (again, I've been busy and tired and this has fallen to the wayside)
4.  Visit Lake Tahoe at least once
5.  Take the kids fishing with their cousins (this will be their first time!)
6.  Get my homeschool cabinets under control
7.  Continue to exercise 4 times/week
8.  Run a music camp (this is a full week and takes a ton of prep, too, but is so fun!)
9.  Finish at least one furniture project (I'm half way through a bunch, and they're taking up space!)
10.  Blog at least once a week (hey, it's a start)

What are some of your current goals?  Any fun plans for summer?

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