Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Craft

I have been majorly failing at the crafty side of things these past couple months.  Majorly, I tell you.  Anyway, it's almost Easter, so I figured we should do SOMETHING crafty.  

My kiddos wrote the verse "He has risen, just as he said!" onto their pages.  Although it doesn't come out very well in the photos, we found some really cute, sparkly scrapbook paper to use for Easter eggs.  My kids have decided that "eggs" fit into the Easter story as the "stone" rolled in front of the tomb where Jesus was laid to rest after he died on the cross.  I think it's a great tie-in!

They each went out to collect two little sticks from the backyard.  I tied them together for them.  We glued/stapled them onto their papers.  The grass is a great fine motor skill work-out.  I gave them a green strip, and they cut slits half way down throughout.  

Since ZERO of the 15 glue bottles in our home actually work, we ended up pouring Mod Podge in a little bowl and painting glue on with a paint brush-another great fine motor work out!

So simple, but a great way to practice their scripture verse and work on fine motor skills.  Plus-every kid loves to glue things!  

Happy Easter everyone!

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