Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to be a Not-Annoying Neighbor

I recently had a "neighbor" experience that was less than delightful.  So today, I'm over on the Reno Moms Blog today sharing "how to be a not-annoying neighbor."  Be sure to check it out!

"I recently had a neighbor experience that left me super frustrated.  My husband and I came home one day to an index card in our mailbox that basically read, “I have not slept a full night in weeks due to your animals.”  That was it.  No signature.  So we went out on our date, but all I could think about was that stupid little note.

Here’s what I know…we have one dog and four chickens.  We don’t have a rooster but our dog can sound an awful lot like a rooster when he barks.  Our chickens aren’t that loud, with the exception of when they lay an egg or get lost from each other in the yard.  Our dog is inside the house from 7 pm until 8 the next morning.  Our chickens sleep as soon as it gets dark and they are silent all night.  Obviously, you can see why a note about our animals keeping someone awake seemed fairly odd and out of place."  

To read the rest of the post, head HERE!

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