Monday, December 15, 2014

Simple & Sweet Christmas Gift for Teachers

My friend Kirstin posted this picture of her gifts for her son's teachers last week on Facebook and I just loved it!  This would be a very cute, practical (hello, chocolate and paper!), and easy gift to whip up this week if you haven't yet got around to getting the teachers in your life a gift yet.  

She found these adorable clipboard/notepad/pen sets at Michael's for just $3.  She bought them over a couple trips using a 50% of coupon, so in the end she paid just $1.50 each.  What a deal!

She paid $23 for a 6 pack of these delicious Hawaiian Host Chocolates from Sam's Club.  Everyone loves chocolate, right?

Then she attached this adorable ribbon, and let her son pick out a name tag sticker for each one.  

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