Friday, October 10, 2014

Learning About Other Countries: Flag Color Pom Pom Sort

The Dollar Store near my house started stocking some of their Christmas items this past week.  I grabbed several things that I thought would be perfect for various learning activities, including a bag of red, white, and green pom poms.  

My children have been particularly interested in states, countries, and continents lately, and of course they wanted to use some of our new items right away.  So, we decided to talk about Mexico and their flag, which just so happens to be...white, red, and green! 

We pulled out our big map, found Mexico, talked about where it is in relation to the United States, etc.

My 3 & 5 year olds got out the new pom poms and a Dollar Store 6 muffin tray for sorting.  First, they sorted by color.  Then, they sorted by size (there happened to be three different sizes in the Dollar Store bags).  And lastly, they hid them around the living room and hunted for them, because what 3 & 5 year old can resist that???  

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