Monday, September 8, 2014

Studying the Continents in Our Homeschool

We are continuing with homeschooling this year, after deciding that we for sure, really did enjoy it last year (it took a while to get to that point).  We began school in mid August, and are adjusting back into the swing of things.  We have a 2nd grader, a kindergartener, and a preschooler this year (as well as the baby!).

This school year, we have joined two home school co ops.  I've been involved with the ladies from one throughout the summer, visiting different parks together and hanging out while our kids play, but I'm joining a second one this fall in which my kids get to take art, Spanish, and ballet classes.  We are continuing to use A Beka curriculum for our language and arithmetic, and are pretty eclectic with the rest of the subjects.  We joined a post card swap with 49 other homeschool families (one from each state in the US), and will be studying different states as our postcards arrive in the mail.  We will also be doing a study on the continents, both with one of our co-ops, and on our own.  We are generally pretty frugal, and so we try to keep our school expenses at a minimum.

In regards to continents, here are a couple new items we've bought (or want to buy) and will be using in our homeschool this year:

I love this continent ice cube tray, and I think my kids will think it is so cool!  I suppose you could also use it to create crayon shapes (out of old, broken crayons), or even use cant melts to make little continent shaped candies!  The best part is that it's only $3.72 shipped from Amazon!

I bought this world map from Amazon, as well, and my kids think it's so cool.  While we have small maps or atlas books, they love how big this one is, and they love finding new places on the map.  It is paper, so I'll need to buy some clear contact paper to protect it, but for about $5, it was totally worth it!

I love this Melissa & Doug floor puzzle!  It's such a fun and simple way for little ones to learn about Earth and the continents.  Plus, ALL my kids love puzzles!

I'm so excited for another school year with my kiddos!  I love seeing them grow and learn.  Already, my 5 year old is starting to read, which is particularly exciting because she had zero interest in reading up until a month or so ago.  What things are you most excited about for this school year?

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