Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day to My Husband and Dad

Part 1: My Husband

Ben with Ellie

 I am SO incredibly thankful for this man.  When we got married 9 years ago, I could not have imagined how great of father he would someday be to our children.  He amazes me every day.

Ben with Levi
His never-ending sense of humor keeps us all on toes, and ensures that we don't take life too seriously.  I like it that is way more fun with Ben.

Ben with Zoe
 Our children are blessed, and I'm not sure they even realize it yet.  Ben is fun, playful, and so incredibly loving.  And, he's great at letting them win in wrestling fights ;)

Ben teaching Aaron how to fix the washing machine.
 I love how my husband teaches and trains our children, and how he involves them in the little things because those little things are actually really important.  

Ben with Zoe at the ER at night.
This man does whatever it takes to love our children and to care of them.  And I'm forever grateful and honored to call him my husband.  

Happy Father's Day, Ben.  We are so thankful for you!

Part 2: My Dad

And of course, there's one more super special Dad in my life-my own!  I never fully realized what an amazing man and father my dad was until I was grown and had children of my own.  He loved me, and he sacrificed so much. 

Weekends at soccer a child I didn't know these cost a lot of money, nor that it meant time off from work.
Birthdays...thanks for sharing your birthday with me (and now Zoe, too).
Working extra jobs...I never understood why you'd pick up extra jobs, thank for providing for everything we needed.
Jesus...thank you for being an example of who Jesus was, and for helping me understand and come to know him from a young age-this forever changed my life.
Your car...thanks for letting me drive your car to school every day, even though this meant you got dropped off at work by your teenage daughter.  

I am so blessed to have you for a father.  Happy Father's Day, Dad!

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