Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Through my 6 Year Old's Eyes

A couple days ago, my 6 year old asked to use my phone to take pictures of "interesting" and "important" things.  I of course said yes.  

Today, as I started scrolling through the photos on my phone and selecting them all to be deleted, I paused.  These were things she found important.  These were things she found interesting.  These were the photo-worthy things to my 6 year old.  So simple and so precious, and a beautiful reminder that the most important things in life are often the simple things.  Here are my (unedited) favorites:

Our dog, Higgins.

Her little brother building with blocks.

Her daddy carrying her other little brother (this one's my favorite).

A family photo on the wall.

Her brother running through the house.

Family photos from when she was little.

The piano.

The photo of me and Ben on our wedding day.

More family photos.

I didn't delete them, in case you're wondering.  I love them.  I love the glimpse it gave me of her and I love seeing what she values and loves.  Her pictures remind me to remember what's really family. 

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