Thursday, March 27, 2014

Guest Post: "Ditch the Stuff, Gift the Experiences"

I'm on the Reno Moms Blog today sharing about how we said "goodbye" to less stuff this past Christmas, and "hello" to some new experiences.  

"My three older children (6, 4, 2) are just finishing up their Christmas gift.  But instead of saying goodbye to a toy (i.e. throwing away a broken toy, replacing batteries for the umpteenth time, or putting something away in the garage because I’m sick of tripping on it), my children are saying hello to some new skills and are happily doing cartwheels and somersaults and hand stands in the living room.  You see, this year, we said “no” to the stuff and “yes” to the experiences.   They each received three months of gymnastics lessons (one month from us, and one month from each set of grandparents).  They did receive some other small things to open up, but it was much less than previous years...."

Click HERE to read the rest of the post and get some ideas for your own "experience" gifts. 

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