Tuesday, February 11, 2014

January Books Read

In January, I read a small handful of books.  And I published one of my own!  Here are the book I read last month...Be sure to leave a comment with any books that you recently read!  I'm always looking for new, good books!

For personal pleasure, I am choosing to read (or re-read) many of the "classics" this year.  In January, I read the following books:

(This one was my favorite!)

3.  The Time Machine

For faith & personal growth I started:

4. A Heart Like His 
 (I'm only half way through this one, though, but I am LOVING it)

Since I was publishing my first ebook at the end of January, I had a lot of learning to do.  I read and used the following three books by Mark Coker to properly format my book, as well to market and publish my book.  Even if you don't use Smashwords to publish/distribute your book, these books are super helpful! 

5.  Book Marketing Guide

6.  Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

7.  Smashwords Style Guide-How to Format Your Ebook

What books have you been reading?  Any recent favorites?

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