Saturday, January 4, 2014

Night Sky Pictures

I had my 4th baby in late October.  In preparation for his arrival, I filled tubs with various "easy" activities/projects that my older three could do on their own (then ages 2, 4, almost 6).  One of them were these night sky pictures.  I hadn't anticipated that they'd love it as much as they did.  I ended up having to grab a handful more of construction paper for them as they did this activity.

What You'll Need:

*Pencils, sharpened
*Black paper (or any darker colored paper)

What to do:

*Have your child sit on a soft surface like carpet or a rug.  A hard floor will not allow the pencil to poke through.
*Have them poke small, gentle holes with their pencil.
*Older kids can create patterns, write words, create outlines of pictures; smaller kids can just poke!

*Have your child hold their picture up to a window with lots of light.  We taped up our favorites. 
*The light shines through and the holes look like stars in the night sky!

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