Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Job Chart-Free Online Chore Chart for Kids

I saw this My Job Chart program this morning and thought that it was such a cute idea!  I might try it for my almost 6 year old, but I'm not sure if my 4 year year old would be quite old enough...it seems like it's geared towards a little bit older children.  (Again, I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to try it for my oldest.)

Anywho, it's a free online program to help teach children about work and money (it's a job/chore chart type thing), and it also encourages saving, spending, and giving!  I love this idea for helping children learn good money managing at a young age.

If you're interested in it for your kiddos, check it out HERE!  And if you've used this site before, I'd LOVE to hear your feedback about how your kids liked it (or didn't) and how old your children are/were that participated.  Leave a comment below if you've tried it out before!

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