Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Magazine Giveaway! (9 winners)

I'm super excited about this giveaway because I get to choose not just 1 winner, but 9 winners!  Wahoo!  

Zinio and Mothering with Creativity are teaming up to bring you this amazing giveaway.
Zinio is an online magazine site that allows you to get your magazine subscriptions on your digital device (smartphones, tablets, desktop) instead of the same old, clutter-producing hard copy you'd get in your mailbox ;)

We are giving away 9 subscriptions to ANY magazine you'd like from their website!  They have subscriptions to magazines like Parenting, Family Circle, Working Mother, Better Homes and Gardens, and Rachel Ray.  If you win, you get to choose whatever magazine subscription they offer that floats your boat.  The choice is all yours.

All you need to do to enter is comment below with the name of your favorite magazine (don't worry, you can always change your mind later).  You can browse their website for ideas.  I will select, at random, 9 winners.  Those 9 winners will simply need to provide me with their first and last name, as well as an email address and their magazine selection within 3 days of the giveaway ending.  That's it!  Super simple, right?

And, in addition, for all of my readers they are offering through September 9th a complimentary 1 year subscription to Shape magazine!  Click HERE to go redeem that offer.

This giveaway will run through Monday, September 9th at 12:00 noon PST.  Ready to enter?  Leave your comment below!

Disclosure: I was compensated for this giveaway with a free magazine subscription, as well.  Please see my full disclosure policy HERE.

Ready.  Set.  Go!


  1. When I was growing up, my favorite magazine was Sassy. Does anyone else remember that?! Now, I try to stay away from the truly trashy stuff, but I do love People magazine.

  2. My favorite magazine would have to be something knitting related like Interweave Knits or Vogue Knitting. :)

  3. What an awesome giveaway, Jessica! I really like Glamour (US version) for its beauty tips, fashion trends, and plenty of memoir-style stories of people making a difference.

  4. Shape but, I would probably choose family circle

  5. GREAT giveaway, I would like anything Home and Garden or Organizing .... Rachel Ray, etc! Hard to choose! :)

  6. Wired is my favorite and thank you for the giveaway!

  7. Fun giveaway! I would love to win Eating Well, Cooking Light, HGTV, Food Network, Reader's Digest, or Rachel Ray!! Heck, I'd like to win all 9 subscriptions! :)

  8. Do It Yourself.
