Monday, September 16, 2013

Apple Placemats (Great for Playdough)

My kids have some serious issues with keeping play dough in one generic spot.  It always ends up everywhere.  For reals.  Rather than getting annoyed that my young children are having so much fun with their play dough that they forget to keep it in front of them and on the table, we took a cue from my sister in law, Jenny, and made some back-to-school themed apple placemats.  These placemats are specifically for play dough use, and guess what?  They actually do 10x better with keeping play dough on the table when using them!  Score!

What to do:

*Print out an apple coloring page template from online (just google it-there are a ton...pick one you like and print it off).
*Have your child color and cut it out (cutting depends on age)
*Glue the apple to a sheet of construction paper
*Have your child write their name on the page and decorate more, if you'd like 
*Use your handy-dandy laminator to seal the page (I'm telling you, I use mine all the time!)
*Pass out some play dough and have some fun!

It would be very easy to create new play dough mats for various seasons/themes/etc. too!

If you're looking for a play dough recipe to try at home, here is the one we make: Play Dough Recipe.

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