Thursday, August 29, 2013

"New Student" Gift for the Beginning of the School Year

For those of you who may have been worried that my switch from teaching a class to now homeschooling my children would leave you without all the wonderful teacher ideas, fear not!  My fabulous sister in law is still teaching kindergarten and I'm going to be stealing all her adorable creations to share with all of you!

This gift bag is for teachers to give to their new students at the beginning of the school year.

On a piece of paper, type up the poem (pictured above).  Tape to a brown paper bag.

On small strips of paper, type up the following sayings and attach these items:

1. "We all need hugs now and then.  If you need one, let me know!" (Hershey's "hugs")
2.  "Remember, it's OK to make mistakes.  That's how we learn." (Small eraser)
3.  "You're a star in my class!" (Starburst candy)
4.  "Here's to high-flying success in kindergarten!"  (Balloon) 

Place the four items into the brown paper bag.  Fold the top of the bag down, and staple it or tape it shut with a sticker.

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