Monday, August 12, 2013

Multipurpose DIY Wipe-Off Board

Today was our first official day EVER of homeschooling.  Not gonna lie...I rocked it.  

I have a 1st grader and two preschoolers (ages 2 & 4).  

I had this huge frame in my closet.  It's been there for at least 2 years, unused.  I was trying to figure out a way to easily move around a calendar, white board, etc. (because we school in the kitchen), when I remembered this frame sitting in my closet.  

We used a poster board (thanks, Sarah) to cover the back, and attached a Dollar Store calendar I bought last week, a word strip for the month/year (also from the Dollar Store), a section with lined/dotted paper for demonstrating handwriting, and a "Today's weather is" sign.

We used the top blank space to write their memory verse.  See that cursive "e"?  I can't believe my little  girl is learning cursive...and I totally suck at it.  Like, really bad.  I had to keep re-writing things to make them perfect.  She thought it was funny.  

Anywho, this board was super easy to assemble, and you could really add or take out anything you want!  The possibilities are endless, and since it's glass, just remember to use a white-board marker and everything wipes right off!

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