Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oh, Pretty Little Laminator Machine!

I posted earlier today on the Mothering with Creativity Facebook page about my giddiness over purchasing myself a laminator for my home needs.  I have a lot of them.  Needs, that is.  I'm not sure if it's the teacher in me or what, but I just love to laminate things!  For real.  And yes, I know that sounds completely ridiculous.  I don't care.  If you had a laminator, you'd want everything laminated, too.  

I'm homeschooling my kiddos this fall (I swore I would never do that), and so I know this laminator will get tons of use!  Thus far, it is my favorite "homeschool" purchase.  Plus, it was on sale on Amazon right now for only $25!  Total score!

What are your favorite/non-negotiable/necessary items for homeschooling or teaching your kids?  If you could recommend one "thing" for homeschooling, what would it be?

1 comment:

  1. Mine are a little cheaper,but I can't get enough index cards in my life. So far they are the only school supplies I have purchased this year. They make me swoon. My other can't live without in homeschool is a timeline. Priceless
