Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Stuff

So, I've been working on an ebook since January.  It's in the editing stage right now, and I am getting super excited.  Along with the book, I've been preparing to launch a new blog site that will be an extension of the book (of sorts).  The book subject is on hospitality and on how to simplify it in order to make it more enjoyable and reasonable for us to have guests in our home regularly.

The new site has a similar focus, incorporating meals that are easy to prepare (allowing you to not worry about food prep as guests are arriving at your door) and budget friendly (allowing you to host without worrying about breaking a budget).  The site will have tips for how to include and teach children in the process, ways to maximize your time and minimize your stress, and other creative ideas that relate to hospitality in general.

If this at all interests you, please hop on over to www.simplifiedhospitality.com and check it out!  To be sure you get updates as the site develops and progresses (and of the book's development and release), be sure to "like" the site on Facebook!  You can do so by clicking on the "like" button on the right hand side of the site, or by clicking on the "F" circle media icon in the same location.

Thanks for being awesome readers!

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