Friday, July 12, 2013

Make a Song Jar

My children love to sing.  My 5 year old spends most of the day singing and writing her new songs on paper.  Sometimes when my kids get crazy (yelling, fighting, running around nutty) they simply need a little redirection.  Sitting in a circle and singing a few songs for even just 5 minutes is enough to calm them down and refocus their attention, all while having fun.

Even better than trying to think of songs on your own at the last minute is to create a Song Jar.  Fill it with simple songs, hand poems, etc. that your children can all do together.  Then, when you decide to have a song time, you can let each child pick a song out of the jar.  

Cut scrapbook paper into strips.  Use a marker or Sharpie to label each strip with a different song that your children enjoy.  

Laminate the strips if you have a laminator.  OR, if you don't have one, simply use packaging tape to cover both sides.  Trim the excess tape off around the paper.

Stick the songs in a jar!  Easy peasy!

Some of the songs we added to our jar:

Alice the Camel
Jesus Love the Little Children
Icky, Sticky, Bubblegum
Herman the Worm
There was a Little Turtle
The B-I-B-L-E
5 Little Ducks
Herman the Worm
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
5 Green and Speckled Frogs

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