Thursday, July 11, 2013

FREE 1 Month Amazon Prime Trial!

I LOVE Amazon Prime!  I buy all my diapers via Amazon, and when you are an Amazon Prime member and then also sign up for Amazon Mom (Amazon Mom is totally free), you save 20% on diapers when you do subscribe and save!  So worth it!

Prime gives you free 2 day shipping for an entire year, PLUS access to their TV episodes and movies (like Netflix).  We definitely got our money's worth out of it, and will absolutely renew our subscription when it runs out at the end of this year (I think it's about $79/year)

Right now, they are offering a FREE one month trial!  Click on the link (Join Amazon Prime - Watch Over 40,000 Movies ) or the picture above and it should redirect you to sign up for your free trial.


(The links in this post may be my referral/affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy HERE.  Thank you for supporting the continuation of this blog by using my links!)

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