Thursday, July 11, 2013

DIY Wipe-Off Calendar

If you've hung around me or my blog for any amount of time, you already know how much I love all things calendars, planners, notes, lists, charts, etc.  I use Excel spreadsheets to plan our packing for trips, and I create lists every morning with my to-do's.  

So, it was about time I make myself a wipe-off calendar.  I've wanted to do it for a while now, but just hadn't gotten around to it.  I have notes and plans and schedules and more all over the house, and now I can get at least a few of those things to disappear!  

This is so easy to do, and I honestly didn't even take pictures during the process.  I think you can create one of these babies using just about anything, so create away!  Mine was made using scrapbook paper and ribbons (both of which I found in my craft cabinets at home).  I used a simple glue stick to get the scrapbook strips to stick together, and hot glue to stick on the ribbons.  I re-used a frame that I had which was not getting any use.  So, this project was quite frugal!  You can use any size frame, just created your paper strips (or whatever you decide to use) to fit the frame.  I had lots of extra space, so I added a vertical strip for "Notes" on the side.  

Use an expo marker to write on the dates and fill in your calendar!  So easy!  

Have you ever made a wipe-off calendar?  What creative ideas do you have for making one?  

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