Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday's Events

This morning I took the kids to CVS to buy some tomato plants.  They were inexpensive and HUGE.  So odd to find them at CVS.  I used $5 Extra Bucks from last week, and paid only $1.98 for a huge Roma tomato plant, and a 6 pack of cherry tomato plants.  I brought them home, re-potted them in fresh soil and bigger pots, and gave them a good drink of water.  I, for the life of me, cannot grow tomatoes from a seed.  I try and fail every year.  Different methods, same result.  And so, I always end up buying them.

I have all the ingredients for Crock Pot Taco Soup sitting in hot water in my sink (remember-I cook my own beans and freeze them...makes meals like this super easy!)

The kids are sitting on the kitchen floor "cooking" (every pot and pan and lid is out, plus all the pinto beans from the sensory tub).  They are loving it, and I'm avoiding that area ;)

Ben may have a buyer for his car.  This is super exciting...we really need it to go.  We'll be a one car family again (we've done this before) as I'm a stay at home mom now and he works only 5 minutes from home.  It's silly to have 2 cars (and my car is a Pilot with a 3rd row...perfect for our growing family).  The money from the car will go to pay bills for baby #4, and we'll also save money monthly on gas, insurance, and maintenance.  Yay!

I've been re-arranging our bedrooms getting ready for the new baby.  I'm on the hunt for a twin mattress for Aaron so he can transition out of his crib.  Anyone in the Reno area trying to get rid of one?

Mother's Day was beautiful and relaxing and so much fun.  It also marked 1 year since Ben's knee injury.  Crazy to think it's been a year since that horrible event, but so glad to be past it.

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you are selling a car to be a one-car family. We've done this before, but it's been awhile. It really does save money and a lot if family time is spent together in the car because you have to go together.
