Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adding Fun

So, I totally didn't make this, but it was hanging up in my classroom last week (Thanks, Terri!), and I totally love it (and the kids REALLY enjoy it).  It's super easy to make.  All you need is a piece of poster board (Dollar Store sells them for $.50), 2 paper cups, 2 paper towel roll insides, a basket or bowl, beads/counters/beans, etc. and a marker to draw the plus sign!  These are all simply taped to the poster board using packaging tape.

My older students love to experiment with bigger numbers.  When 3 students play, one likes to use a white board to write down whatever math problem they are working on while the other two count out the beads.  The children put the first set of counting items in the first cup, and the other child puts the second set in the second cup.  They all fall through to the basket, and then they count them all up.  

It's such an easy and frugal way to get kids having fun while learning math!

Looking for more easy educational ideas?  Check these out:

Preschool Color Mixing
Construction Paper Kites
Worm Week Ideas
Frugal & Easy "Busy Bag" or "Centers" Activities
Homemade Playdough

Or click on the Crafts & DIY tab at the top for more ideas!

Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook to receive updates on new and fun projects like this for your children/classrooms! (easy "like" button on upper right on blog page)


  1. very innovative and interesting. keep going jessica. congrats.

  2. I love this! I just pinned it and linked to it on my blog! Windy City Learning

    Thank you!
    Mary Kate

  3. This is such a great idea! It's a great visual way to teach about addition! Pinning.

  4. I suggest you look at this is the wisdom and rules of behavior all children should start to learn in 4th grade so they have better lives. The need for this wisdom is mandatory in school and life. It is all FREE FREE FREE. There are over 370,000 Likes on the FB page
    When children all children start learning the Tips there will be fewer bullies and a positive peer pressure. Thank you

  5. This is actually a really good idea to use for my Uni placement, thankyou, I'll hopefully try it.

  6. This is actually a really good idea to use for my Uni placement, thankyou, I'll hopefully try it.

  7. Im indonesian teacher..and aku suka sekali ..its a really good idea...i love it..thanks 4 share

  8. Im indonesian teacher..and aku suka sekali ..its a really good idea...i love it..thanks 4 share



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