Wednesday, January 2, 2013

FREE Baby Offers is offering their carseat canopy for free when you use code ENBABY at checkout. You will still have to pay shipping and handling, so it's not technically free (your total should be $12.90), but it's still a great deal.  I made one of these for Aaron before he was born, and totally loved it!  It makes a great gift, too. (same creators, I believe) are offering a free baby sling with the same code (ENBABY).  I have a sling like this, though a different brand, and enjoyed it with my babies when they were about 4 months-10/12 month.  These will total just under $12 after shipping & processing. (again, same creators) are offering a free nursing cover with the code ENBABY.  The total after shipping and handling will also be $11.90 for this item.  Nursing covers were one of my favorite newborn items, and they would make a great gift.

If you are more of a do-it-yourself-er, be sure to check out my post on making your own nursing cover HERE.

(The links in this post are my referral/affiliate link.  Read my disclosure policy HERE)

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