Sunday, January 20, 2013

2 Ingredient Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream

Oh yes.  Two ingredients.  Okay, three if you're impatient like me.  This peanut butter banana ice cream is not only super easy, but it's cheap and HEALTHY!  Yay!   Healthy & ice cream in the same sentence.  Score!  

I regularly buy bags of ripe bananas at the grocery store when they mark them down to $1/bag.  I take them home, slice them, lay them flat to freeze, and then bag them for smoothies.

When I heard that you could make banana ice cream using just frozen bananas, I knew I had to try it!  I already had frozen bananas.  I have to say, I was quite impressed by the results.  All five of us enjoyed it and ate our fair share, and I will definitely do this at least once a month for a dessert (hey-there's NO sugar in it!).  The kids thought it was pretty cool that they could have a sweet, "healthy" dessert.

You will need:

  • bananas, sliced, and frozen for AT LEAST a couple hours (freeze as much as you'd like to make)
  • 1/4-1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (depending on how much peanut butter flavor you like)
  • a couple TBS milk (if you're impatient and want it to blend quicker)

What you do:

In a heavy duty blender or food processor, place the sliced bananas.  I used my food processor.  Turn it on and begin blending the bananas together.  Hold the lid down when you start blending...mine just about popped off from the rock hard bananas!  You will need to occasionally open the lid and scoop the bananas back into the middle.  It will take several minutes for it to begin getting creamy on its own.  If you add 1-2 TBS milk, it will help it get creamy a little bit quicker.  Once the bananas are totally blended and smooth, add in the peanut butter.  Blend again for a few seconds until it's all incorporated.
Voila!  No sugar, peanut butter banana ice cream without an ice cream machine!  Yay!

Who knew bananas could be eaten in such a tasty way?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! I will be making this tomorrow but using almond milk instead.
