Monday, December 3, 2012

10 Weeks to an Organized Christmas: Kids Activities 2

How is your Christmas planning going so far?  Has it been a relaxing start to the month, or has it been stressful?  I hope that we will each be able to organize ourselves enough to fully enjoy and appreciate the season.  Here are a couple more kids crafts for you!  As always, they are simple, can be done with things around your house, and best of all, they tie typical Christmas symbols to Jesus!

T.P. Candle Light

This is a great craft because you also get to teach your child about recycling and using old things to make new things!

What you need: 

*A left-over toilet paper tube
*Paint (or markers, stickers, etc.)
*Yellow tissue paper (and/or red & orange)

What to do:

Begin by allowing your child to paint (or color) the outside of the toilet paper tube.  If you used paint, allow the tube to dry before continuing.

Cut small triangles for your child out of tissue paper.  This will be your "flame".  Let your child glue the tissue paper to the inside of one end of your toilet paper tube.  The point from the triangle should stick up above the tube so that it looks like fire.  Allow to dry before playing with it.

How to tie it to Jesus:

Memorize (or recite it to your younger child) this verse: "You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden" (Matthew 5:14).  Talk about how Jesus came as a baby on Christmas so that he could be the light to our world.  Just like Jesus was a bright shining light, we are also supposed to be lights for Jesus!  

Sing:  This Little Light of Mine (my favorite version of this song is a fun, upbeat version produced by Nick, Jr.).

Candy Cane Art

This is an activity that can be adjusted for different aged children.  Younger children can simply color with a white crayons, while older children can crush candy canes and glue them on the paper!

What you need:  

*Red construction paper
*White crayons or paint
* (optional: crushed candy canes and glue)

What to do:  

Trace a large candy cane shape on your red paper.  If your child is old enough, allow him to cut out the shape using scissors, otherwise, go ahead and cut it out yourself.  Using the white paint or crayon (or crushed candy canes and glue) create "stripes" throughout the red candy cane.  If your child is younger, you may want to draw the stripes as a guide for your child using a pencil.  

How to tie it to Jesus:  

Once dry, show your child the candy cane upside down.  What letter do they see?  Letter J is the first letter in Jesus' name!  Turn it right side up again.  Doesn't it look like a shepherd's cane?  Jesus is our Shepherd!  The white background represents purity.  Jesus had no sin!  He always obeyed his Father in heaven, just like we are supposed to obey our parents and our Father in heaven.  The red in the cane represents the blood Jesus shed for us to save us from our sins.  What an awesome God we have!  

A Shiny Star Ornament

What you need:

*Yellow card stock (or thick paper, or cardboard)
*Elmer's Glue
*Hole punch
*5-6 inches of yarn

What to do:

Cut out a star shape from your paper.  It should be about 3-5 inches in diameter (you can print a star template from the internet, if necessary.  There's one HERE).  Punch a hole in one corner of your star.  Let your child decorate the star shape with glue.  It can be a smooth, even layer, or a zig-zag, messy pattern!  Sprinkle glitter over the glue on your star.  Allow it to dry.  

String the yarn through the hole, tie in a knot, and hang on your Christmas tree.

How to tie it to Jesus:

The big star that we often put on top of our trees is representative of the star that appeared over Jesus when he was born.  Your little star ornament can also be a reminder that a star appeared just for Jesus!  

Before bed, let your child look outside to hunt for the brightest star in the night sky.  The star the hung above Jesus was even brighter!  It allowed "the three wise men" to follow it to find Jesus.

Thanks for joining me in a fun, relaxing, and meaningful Christmas!  Check out all the posts in this series HERE.

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