Saturday, October 6, 2012

Out with the To-Do List!

Alright.  I've been pretty busy lately.  Besides being a wife, raising three kids under age 5, working 20 hours a week as a kindergarten teacher, beginning Kindergarten homeschool with Ellie, leading a church with my husband, and running a blog, I recently began selling Pampered Chef to supplement our income for the impending student loan payment (Ben's *almost* done with his master's program-yay!).

I have this love/hate relationship with lists.  I mostly love them.  I use them a lot.  On my days at home (Mondays and Fridays), I've had to limit my "to-do list" to one side of a college ruled/lined sheet of paper.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I've had to limit it to just one sheet.  No, I'm not exaggerating.  It's ridiculous.

I've got most things down to a science in order to accommodate the completion of my long lists.  I can go to Walmart with three kids and shop for our weekly family groceries, Pampered Chef supplies, a church dinner, and be home within 1 hour total.  I'm totally that crazy lady flying down the aisles (insert apology here).

Well, yesterday (Friday), I refused to make a list.  I had some things to do, and I did a couple of them, but I most definitely forgot a few things.  I baked and played with the kids.  I sat and drank a homemade pumpkin spice latte and ate a homemade pumpkin scone.  I forgot things.  We ate leftovers for lunch.  I didn't plan dinner ahead (I let Ben be responsible for dinner that night).  I held my baby boy.  We dug in the mud in the backyard.  We had fun.  The house was a mess (which I quickly cleaned before Ben's arrival home from work).

What did I learn through throwing out my list?  Well, the house didn't burn down.  I felt refreshed.  My kids had fun (I think they always have fun, I just notice it more when I'm actually having fun with them).

I just may yell Out with the To-Do List  more often ;)


  1. I can totally picture the crazy lady flying down the aisle...leftovers are awesome!

  2. I find myself struggling with the same thing. I feel overwhelmed and behind if I just ignore it, but does it cancel out the days when I just play and enjoy my kids? I'm really struggling with this right now. It's a hard balance. Good for you!

  3. Michelle- I agree that it is totally a hard balance. I think there has to be a middle ground. I most enjoy the days where I not only accomplish chores and such, but that I also get to play with my kids and have fun. If I could remember to balance every day that way, I think my days would be way more enjoyable!

  4. Glad you experienced such a refreshing day! You're a hardworking, creative mama, and you deserve it. :-) I'm working to find this balance too, and it's nice to read how okay it really is to have one of those days when all you need to do is rest and recharge.

  5. Ally-Thanks! You totally deserve those days, too! You are amazing and doing so many wonderful things in life (Your book? Awesomely excited for you!) Throw out your to-do list one day ;)
