Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apple Day!

Today we went to pick apples at a local organic apple orchard.  We picked a TON of apples!  Although the apples were very well priced ($1.50 per pound for organic is not bad!), we were supper blessed when the owner (whom we used to know) told us that our three big bags of apples that we had picked were FREE!  Yay!  Since we didn't have to pay for the apples, we bought local honey (made on his property) as a special treat for my hubby.  

We made a quick trip to get some food on our way home.  Once home, Ben started on his final paper (one more class left in his Master's program after this!), and I got to work on some food.

Today I:

Baked a pumpkin for Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Froze Chicken Fajitas Mix
Made & froze Pasta Sauce
Made & froze beef stuffed bell peppers
Froze extra bell pepper strips
Chopped & froze strawberries for oatmeal in the mornings
Made an Apple Crisp for dessert
Made a big batch of brown rice
Made & froze Pumpkin Pancakes
Prepped & froze a pork chops, apples, and sweet potatoes meal for the crock pot 

The funniest part of all this (to me, at least) is that I had not planned on doing any of that cooking/prepping today!  I'm feeling super accomplished right now ;)

Whew.  My chicken in the crock pot smells delicious, and my kids are I'm going to go eat it with them now ;)

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