Saturday, September 8, 2012

Free Sample of Finish Detergent

Part of being frugal is taking advantage of freebie offers online.  They often take only a few brief seconds to request, and you receive your free sample!  It's perfect for trying something you've always wanted to, or just for getting "1 extra" of something for free.  I have to admit, I've slacked a little in this department lately, so I'm going to challenge myself to post some freebies on here, and sign up for them myself!  Here's a great one today:

Click on the picture above or the link HERE to request your free sample of Quantum Finish detergent! I have actually tried this before and liked it, and since we run our dishwasher once a day, this is a free day ;)

As a tip, some people create an alternate email account for signing up for freebies.  I don't mind just deleting unwanted emails, so I use my main email address for everything.  Do what works for you ;)

(Some of the links in this post are my referral/affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy HERE)  

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