Saturday, September 22, 2012

FREE Nursing Cover

While I am a huge fan of DIY, I understand that it is not for everyone.  For those of you non-DIY people, people who just don't sew, or people just looking for a great deal, here is a GREAT offer today for a free nursing cover!  Even if you don't have a small baby, these make awesome gifts as a new mom can never have too many (spit up, anyone?). is offering a FREE nursing cover when you use code ENBABY (just pay shipping).  It's a $35 value!  They have a lot of great prints to choose from!  

If you do happen to be a DIY-er, don't forget about my Nursing Cover Tutorial HERE.  It happens to be the #1 most viewed webpage on my blog! Thanks for spreading the word everyone!

(Some of the links in this post are my referral/affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy HERE)  

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