Monday, June 25, 2012

The Big Move

You may have remembered a couple months back that I gave an update on our family.  We have been looking to move towards the South Reno area.  Due to our current budget and the serious lack of rental homes on the market, southwest Reno will just have to wait a little longer for us.  We did find a great house, though, 25 minutes in from where we are at in Sparks.  It's right by Ben's work and will save him $80 in gas a month!  We are really excited to be one step closer to our desired area.  Plus, I figure that if this is the only home within our budget in the general area we want to be, maybe this is exactly where God wants us for now.  I'm okay with that, and I'm excited to meet our new neighbors!

There used to be a time in my life when I didn't ask for help.  The thought that "I didn't need anyone else because I can do it all" was clearly my motto, though I didn't think through that then, that's really what it was.  I've since learned to ask for and accept help.  Now, with a husband on the mend, and a move this Saturday, I am totally asking for help!  If you are a Reno friend and would like to help, here's THE PLAN:

  • This Saturday (June 30th) we will be meeting at our home in Sparks at 9am
  • I am planning to have most of the house boxed up and in the garage for easy load-up into a huge U-Haul truck.
  • We will load up the truck and then head over to the new house to unload.  
  • Our old house has to be totally cleaned for our final walk-through (which will be at about 3:30/4ish the same day).  Help with the final cleaning would also be appreciated.
  • I will have drinks and pizza for lunch. 
If you live in the Reno area and are interested in helping us out this Saturday, please either contact me via phone, text, or leave a comment below.  Let me know if you need our current address and I will contact you with it privately.  

Thanks, friends!  


  1. Hi Jessica,

    It's Willie & Diane, we plan on helping, we just need your address.

    1. Hi guys! I'll send you a Facebook message with our address. Thank you!

  2. Totes. When do you need me most? I can help clean. I can take kids. I can dance. I can entertain you with a comedy routine. Name it sister.

  3. Congratulations on your new home. I found your blog through No(dot dot)el. WIsh I lived close by and would gladly lend a hand.
