Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homemade Yogurt

So, one of my monthly goals is to pick one commonly eaten, processed-ish food that my family regularly eats/buys, and figure out a tasty, easy, and cost effective way to make it myself.  The goal is that after each month, I am buying one less processed product from the store, and I am completely taking responsibility for making it on my own.  So, not taking it out of our diets, but rather replacing it with a homemade, healthful version.  Thus far, I have successfully replaced our granola bars, our nutrigrain/cereal & fruit bars, and our marshmallows (recipe to follow later this week-I will be trying out some peppermint marshmallows!).  Bread has been hit-or-miss.  I just need to develop the skill of making a soft sandwich bread that my children will eat.  Yogurt has been on my list for a while, but the recipe has seemed a little daunting to me, and I have yet to actually do it. 

Today, I almost did a happy dance when I learned that I could actually make yogurt in my crockpot, with far fewer steps and much less difficulty than the stove/pot approach.  I will be trying out homemade yogurt later this week.  It is much more cost-effective than buying yogurt from the store, plus there are really only 2 ingredients, plus any fruit or other flavorings you might add yourself.  Knowing exactly what is in your food is such a huge plus!  I am so excited I can hardly wait!  I will, of course, share my results and recipe with you after I give it a whirl!

Mmmm.  My daughter's chocolate cupcakes just came out of the oven.  She is bringing cupcakes to preschool tomorrow since her birthday is Saturday (tomorrow is her last day at preschool for the week).  I made exactly enough for each of the kids in her class so that I can't be tempted to eat one ;) 

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